Anonymous Images

One of the loftier aspirations that I have for my photography and art is to seek out, uncover and reveal the ‘real’ beauty of ‘real’ people, (as opposed to the plastic stereotypes that are served up by the media and in advertising), to portray people who are confident in their bodies, and not afraid to show themselves, lumps, bumps and all, but who may feel reserved or reluctant to flaunt themselves, or simply haven’t sought or found the opportunity to express it. recognising that not everyone is comfortable enough to be naked, I conceived of the idea of Anonymous Images, where the staging, a prop or other device provides a disguise and anonymity. I was amazed at how many friends and acquaintances were up for it.

Most of the photographs are set up in a simple studio or in a home setting, indeed the mundane environment emphasise the qualities of strangeness, making them even more surreal.

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  • From my "Anonymous Images" series
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The first slide show above comprises all colour images some highly saturated, the images below are monochrome, one or two with a smidgen of colour.

The pictures explore issues of image and self, personal boundaries and attitudes. Is a mask a disguise or a barrier, is it a defence mechanism or does it liberate? Does it say anything about suppression of the individual? I don’t suppose I've come up with any definitive answers, but I hope it provokes some discussion.

Could you be persuaded to participate? I have no preconceptions or restrictions on who might be ‘suitable’ (except of course legal ones). If any of my ideas appeal to you, or if you have suggestions of your own, then please, contact me (click here) and let’s see if we can arrange something.I will make you copies of the pictures that I take. If there are any that you don’t like, I promise you that no-one else will see them. Nor will I show the work without your specific agreement and permission. Whatever we create, it will be a collaboration, hopefully it will be artistic and tasteful, above all it should be amusing and FUN.

Don’t be shy!

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