"Heart of a
Dog" "Exit the King" "Loot"
Many of the images
that I photographed were directly lifted from the production, but often
the set or the costumes would suggest an image. Often this was just an
interesting combination of elements from the production, but in this case seemed to encapsulate the entire play in a single
image. My photograph from "Heart of a
Dog" by Cambridge Youth Theatre did not occur in the
production, but it immediately suggested itself to me, the dog - a
symbol of the proletariat at the time of the Russian Revolution, turned into a man by the medical skills of the Professor - a symbol of
the bourgeoisie intelligentsia, is returned to his canine state when he
becomes too bellicose in his demands. His place is in his
basket, under the heel of his master. On the other hand, my
image of "Exit the King", works well as a photograph, but fails as an interpretation of the play. It is
the king who should be fading away, not the courtiers. The picture from
Jo Orton's black comedy "Loot" is also outwith the play - I caught one
of the actors relaxing on the half built set during the dress rehearsal,
but is a beautiful portrait of
the character.